Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Consultation Meetings to Prepare The Vermont Statewide Water Quality Trust Fund Report, 2012

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VANR) will consult with interested parties in the development of recommendations for the Vermont Statewide Water Quality Report as described in Act 138.

Here is a list of the meeting dates the VANR anticipates holding this fall:

The timeline for preparing this report is tight, but the VANR is committed to meeting with each sector to gain input, and will update this table when meetings are scheduled. Please contact Kari Dolan, Ecosystem Restoration Program Manager, at: (802) 338-4847 if you have any questions about this report. 

UPDATED Consultation Meetings to Prepare
The Vermont Statewide Water Quality Trust Fund Report, 2012
Proposed Date & Time
Proposed Venue
Internal VANR Meetings
Legislators Meetings

General Meeting – St. Johnsbury
October 9;
St. Johnsbury State Office Building, 1229 Portland Street, Ste. 201 

General Meeting – Ascutney
October 10;
South Windsor Regional Planning Commission Office, Ascutney Professional Bldg,
38 Ascutney Park Road, 2nd Fl  (no elevator access) 

General Meeting – Brattleboro
October 11;
Marlboro College Graduate School. Conference room 2NE,  Rte. 142 South / Vernon Street

General Meeting – Rutland
October 12;
Rutland Regional Planning Commission, 67 Merchants Row, 3Floor 

Champlain Islands Chamber of Commerce
October 23;
Grand Isle Lake House
34 East Shore North, Grand Isle 

Green Mountain Water Environment Association Fall Conference
November 2;
1:30-2:30pm (Session D)
Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center

If you cannot attend one of these meetings but will like to comment, please feel free to submit written or electronic comments by COB, Friday, October 26, 2012 to:

Kari Dolan, Manager, Ecosystem Restoration Program
Department of Environmental Conservation Watershed Management Division
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05620-3522

All written or electronic comments MUST include the following information in order to be considered:


Organization you are representing


Phone number

Email address

Which Task is your comment addressing?